Providing a much-needed check on mythopoeic archaeological inference, but also on occasion commenting on the important discoveries of the day. Every effort is made to keep the invective to a dull roar. Best plug your ears!
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!
Who am I to question the best minds of the chronometric dating community? I guess we might find out the answer to what would otherwise be just a rhetorical—ad hominem—
response to my intuitive grasp of the issues surrounding the dating of Blombos Cave. Not one, but two honest-to-goodness Physicists have come forward to help yours truly with his 100 kyr old math problem (Fermat's got nothin' on me!): Watch this space. And I'll tackle the lately resurrected claim of blade production in the Middle Palaeolithic of Europe.
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