It really doesn't get any better than this. And mind, I wouldn't normally expend much energy dispelling incipient myths like this one, were it not that in this case there's a real danger of it sprouting legs and moving under its own power thanks to a daft academic archaeologist in Boston.
We won't be so crass as to point out the misspellings,
erroneous capitalization and poor punctuation. Will we? |
My dad used to say 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.' The only serious danger in the field of archaeology [aside from liver disease and arthritic knees] is that a patently false claim--however well-intentioned--becomes received knowledge. In other words, an erroneous claim that becomes an archaeological myth. In this instance, the danger to archaeology is being multiplied by a gullible Phoenix media hungry for an interesting story and, in an unusual turn of events, a truly credulous and misinformed 'professional' archaeologist, Curtis Runnells, from Boston University.
A putative Acheulean site in Pheonix, Arizona (Photo credit) |
The story goes like this. Mr. Ken Stanton, Amateur Archaeologist, thinks he's found an Acheulean archaeological site. The Acheulean, previously known only from Europe, Africa and southern Asia began about 1.5 Ma. This isn't the first time that such objects have come to light in the southwestern United States. Indeed, the Arizona story is virtually identical to that of the Calico Hills site, famed for having fooled Louis B. Leakey into thinking that Homo erectus had somehow made it to the Americas in the Early to Middle Pleistocene. His attention was drawn to the site in the late 1950s after broken rocks similar to those Mr. Stanton has lately found compelled archaeologist Ruth DeEtte Simpson to announce her interpretation--that the site contained very old, very crude, stone tools like those that had been known in Europe and Africa for nearly a century. The Calico Hills' proponents are still making those same claims fifty years on, even though they've been thoroughly and rigorously refuted by archaeologists who know a great deal about the geological processes and their expectable outcomes in the production of a desert alluvial fan--C. Vance Haynes, for one.
Ruth 'Dee' Simpson and L.S.B. Leakey at the Calico Hills Early Man site.
(Photo credit) |
But what are the claims, Rob? We wanna see!
Behold and be dismayed. First, photos of Stanton's finds and a cross-section of the sedimentary context,
all kindly provided by Mr. Stanton, himself.
An amorphous lump of
angular vein quartz |
A pointy lump of angular vein quartz. |
A tiny piece of angular quartz |
As one can plainly see from these illustrations, this is vein quartz, which while being very hard, is also quite brittle. And, while some forms of quartz fracture conchoidally, this type does not. Its material nature aside, the geological context is most important in this instance. That these artifacts are found in a desert alluvial fan should be a red flag for any archaeologist, especially one who's geomorphologically aware or is in fact a geoarchaeologist. Alluvial fans develops as a result of the intense, but infrequent, rainstorms that are characteristic of desert climates. The rain falls upslope and quickly entrains every loose bit of rock and dirt that has, through colluvial action, come to rest in the dry course of the newly active ephemeral stream since its last activation. Depending on the energy level of the flow and the nature of the rock being carried along, the overall result is what you see in the profile below.
A cut through the alluvial fan, with quartz geofact visible in the centre. |
This high-energy alluvial phenomenon is more appropriately called a debris flow, rather than an ephemeral stream, because the water represents just one component of the stream, the majority consists of sedimentary clasts of various sizes that collide forcefully with one another to produce what in some cases may be seen to resemble chipped stone artifacts that humans or human ancestors have made. This kind of object is called a geofact because it was created by geological processes, but nonetheless fools a naive observer because they appear to have been chipped in a manner that broadly resembles early hominin stone technology. And Rule #1 states that if something that you think is made by people, but that could just as well be made by other natural processes, you can not give priority to people, but must instead show cause as to why we should think anything other than that these are geofacts!
The kind of deposit shown in the profile is a diamicton--comprising an unsorted (or at best poorly sorted) mélange of newly angular bits of rock as well as sand, silt and clay, not all of which are clast supported. Such deposits are very UNlike the ones that a permanent stream produces in its path. In the Arizona case the quartz stands out from the rest of the material in the fan because it happens to be of a type that's analogous to that of the finer-grained rock that makes good stone artifacts. I wonder how many bits of vein quartz Mr Stanton passed up because they didn't look like 'good' artifacts!
Aside from the attention that Stanton's claims received in the Phoenix media, news of his 'discovery' reached an academic archaeologist who is, unfortunately, credulous and is giving these naturally broken rocks more attention than they warrant. The following three passages are messages that archaeologist Dr. Curtis Runnels of Boston University has sent to Mr. Stanton, which have given the Arizona man no reason to suspect that his claims are theoretically unsound.
These are extremely interesting artifacts and the context is very interesting too. I am not an expert in Arizona desert geology, but the the [sic] deposit looks like a cemented debris flow or perhaps a lake-margin deposit. It could very well be Pleistocene in age. It should certainly be possible to date that context if you can get a knowledgeable regional geologist to look it over; for instance by a technique like Infrared Stimulated Optical Luminescence on the sand grains I can see in the surround [sic] matrix.
We can only guess about the nature of Pleistocene humans: our own species, Homo sapiens, is dated securely at sites like Herto (Ethiopia) to 200,000 years ago and would certainly be a candidate, as well as Homo heidelbergensis (a hominin grade that dates to ca. 400,000 years ago). Without fossils there is no way to tell because these kinds of tools were probably made by more than one hominin grade, perhaps by as many as four or five!
My summary is that you have early looking artifacts in a definite geologic context that might help pin down their age.
Dear KC,
Thank you for showing me the photographs of the lithic
artifacts and their findspot from the site that you have discovered near
My specialty is the Palaeolithic of the Old World in the
eastern Mediterranean and SE Europe, and not the American SW, but the artifacts
that you have shown me would be considered as Lower or Middle Palaeolithic if
they were foud [sic] in my area.
They are definitely artifacts [emphasis added], and the typological and
technical characteristics that I see in the photographs are consistent with
their identification with Pleistocene industries (modes or
technocomplexes). Similar artifacts
are widely distributed in the Old World, and have been reported also in the
United States over the past century or so. Unfortunately they are rather hard
to date: in the Old World such industries have a wide chronological span,
ranging from 1.6 myr to ca. 0.175 myr (and some similar forms occur in the
Middle Palaeolithic or Middle Stone Age in Europe and Africa much later, down
to ca. 50 kyr). Therefore, it is
of particular importance that your finds appear to be in a datable geologic
context. The photographs you showed me appear to show artifacts in situ
(geologically speaking) in a cemented breccia or debris flow. This suggests two
things to my mind. The original sites, in the sense of living floors or
occupation areas, have no doubt been destroyed by erosion and the artifacts
have been redeposited downslope.
Dating the breccia/debris flow would, therefore, give a minimum age for
the artifacts, but that would be an important start. My geological training is
in the Mediterranean in regions (e.g. Greece, Albania, and Turkey) with similar
arid conditions to the American SW, and from what I can see in your photographs
I would consider the artifact-bearing deposit to have considerable age,
probably Pleistocene.
A more precise estimate In short, I would accept as a
working hypothesis to be tested by further research in the field that these
artifacts are of Pleistocene age and likely to pre-date, perhaps by a
considerable margin, the earliest accepted industries such as Clovis and Folsom
in the SWof their age or the affinities with other industries would not be
possible at this stage of research.
Good luck! Sincerely yours, Curtis
Curtis Runnels, MA, PhD, FSA, Professor of Archaeology, Archaeology Department, Boston University, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston MA 02215
Editor, Journal of Field Archaeology
and later on
Here is a longer message than I could manage yesterday on my
phone in the train. No need to send me the Washington Artifacts; let's not risk
getting them lost in the mail. I want to concentrate on the Arizona stuff for
the moment. My plan is to discuss the artifacts you already sent me with a
geoarchaeologist who is familiar with Arizona geology and get his opinion on
the context.
My other plan is to write an essay in the Journal of Field
Archaeology as Editor-in-Chief (co authored with my contributing editor
Professor Norman Hammond, who is also the Archaeology Correspondent for the
Times of London and the editor of the Times Literary Supplement). He is a New
World specialist and we have already talked about how the Pre-Clovis picture is
becoming clearer. We will call for a total reexamination of the old sites
(e.g., George Carter's Texas Street Site and Calico among others) and a new
open minded approach to the Pre-Clovis question and invite contributions of
manuscripts on the subject for publication. I think the timing is right. The
Stanford and Bradley book, Across Atlantic Ice, will be published in January
and in it they make their case for the movement of Solutrean people by boat
across the Atlantic in the Palaeolithic to the east coast. If one group of
Palaeoliths could make the trip, then anything is possible and a complete
restudy of the archaeological record is warranted.
All this takes time and don't worry about your priority
(i.e. credit for your discovery). I have the evidence before me that you found
this stuff first and am willing to say so whenever and wherever necessary.
Best wishes,
I ask you, 'How lame can this guy Runnels be?' He recognizes that this is a debris flow, but somehow fails to make the connection between the nature of an active debris flow and the concomitant and expectable damage to, in this case, vein quartz. I will be very surprised if, when Runnels approaches the 'geoarchaeologist who is familiar with Arizona geology' he is told anything other than that these are perfectly good geofacts and not, as Runnels proclaims, 'definitely artifacts.' [By the way, I'm guessing that the above-mentioned geoarchaeologist is none other than Paul Goldberg, whose academic appointment is also at BU. Paulie, you still haven't responded to my Wonderwerk Cave take-down. Clock's ticking...]
Nitey, nite!
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Rob, Have you seen the recent photos of the rocks on Mars that were recently zapped by the rover? One clearly has three small flake scars along one edge. Thought I'd give yo the heads up, its just a matter of time....
ReplyDeleteI can hardly wait for the plosone article to come out. We shouldn't need to wait very long. Hell, maybe we should crowd-source a paper!
ReplyDeleteYour an idiot,like the rest of the lazy phd's.I'm cleaning sandstone into amcient Asian silver implements that have semi icon scripts all over them.Seems a certain Ice Age glaicer bulldozed them all where i reside.Im a proffessional Photographer who noticed too many( OF EVERY SIZE ROCK ,i could find ....reflected too my eyeballs a human profile outline... thus, I stripped them down, ALL THE WAY..past limestone layer chert fllynt layer carbonated oxidized tarnish alkaloid layers TOO LEAD SILVER BABY and now Im going too make a fourtune,re-wright history and embarress your likes with a high school diploma.regards,Illinois Jones